Welcoming the new UN Decade Initiatives
World Oceans Day marks one inflection point of many this summer and autumn as events and conferences build up to meet the demands of protecting our planet and counteracting climate change with nature-based solutions into the next 10 years.
2021 is the official start of two major decadal initiatives with a close connection to mangroves. The UN FAO has begun the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration and UNESCO has begun the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development. Both run from 2021 through 2030.
These two projects will be instrumental to protecting people and nature around the world, including tropical and subtropical regions rich with mangroves. Mangrove forests are linked to both projects because of the enormous role they play in providing resources and preserving ecosystems above and below water. From powerful carbon sequestration beneath their roots, to juvenile fish nurseries, and beekeeping havens along their banks, they cannot be ignored as we work towards a better future.
Tune into the UNEP Ocean+ Habitats Launch today or rewatch the broadcast on YouTube to learn how conservation status in key coastal and marine habitats is being tracked, featuring our Global Mangrove Watch partners.
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