Blue Carbon Initiative

A global program working to mitigate climate change through the restoration and sustainable use of coastal and marine ecosystems.

Coastal ecosystems play a key role in the carbon cycle and have the power to combat - or contribute to - climate change.

Coastal ecosystems provide an integral yet undervalued service – sequestering and storing “blue” carbon from the atmosphere and oceans. It’s an essential piece of the solution to global climate change. 83% of the world’s carbon is circulated through the oceans, and over half of that is sequestered in sediments held by coastal habitats.

Blue Carbon Initiative

The Blue Carbon Initiative is the first integrated program focused on mitigating climate change by conserving, restoring, and promoting sustainable use of coastal marine ecosystems globally. The Initiative currently focuses on mangroves, tidal marshes and seagrasses. This program facilitates work with partners from national governments, research institutions, NGOs, coastal communities, intergovernmental and international bodies and other relevant stakeholders.

The Initiative is coordinated by Conservation International (CI), the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), and the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (IOC-UNESCO).

Learn more at thebluecarboninitiative.org