Piloting a Training Course on Beach Forest Trees Propagation in Katunggan It Ibajay, Philippines

The Training Course on Beach Forest Trees Propagation was piloted March 12-15, 2019 in Katunggan It Ibajay (KII) Ecopark in Ibajay, Aklan, Philippines with 20 participants from the Department on Environment and Natural Resources, academe, local government units, and civil society organizations. In addition to ZSL’s Dr. Jurgenne Primavera and the team of biologists, three authors of the manual, namely Dr. Armando Palijon, Dr. Ephraim Cercado and Mr. Bill Granert, served as lecturers and practical instructors for the duration of the training.


The training was aimed at increasing awareness and building the capacity of participants in science-based protocols of beach forest rehabilitation and conservation for coastal protection, lowland reforestation and biodiversity. Specifically, the training was targeted for participants to 1) be orientated on the biology and ecology of beach forests through lectures and field visits to beach forest areas; 2) acquire knowledge on rehabilitation techniques, including establishment  of nursery sites and zones, appropriate planting  and maintenance protocols through lectures and practical exercises; and 3) share experiences in coastal greenbelt rehabilitation.


The training course follows protocols discussed in the Manual on Nursery and Outplanting of Beach Forest Trees prepared by JH Primavera, AM Palijon, WG Granert, EL Cercado, ME Barillo, AM Tungol, RTM Avilla, MJM Bande, ED Buduan, JD Coching, RJA Loma, and CL Montilijao.